When a marquee is used, the default Filter Elements in 3D setting is to show only what is within the marquee, trimmed like a cookie-cutter. One may turn off categories of elements such as objects or roofs, which will simplify the 3D view, or restrict the view to only certain stories. There are additional controls available in the View menu > Elements in 3D View > Filter Elements in 3D dialog. Of course, this will still only show elements on visible layers. This option can be chosen from the floor plan, or while in the 3D window. To see the entire model in 3D, choose Show All Elements in 3D instead of Show Selection/Marquee in 3D. TIP: You may also select elements directly in the 3D window, then right-click or use the keyboard shortcut to Show Selection/Marquee in 3D-this will isolate those particular elements, hiding everything else. Note that if you move an element in 3D while a marquee is active, it is possible for the boundary to cut off part of the element, or even to prevent it from being seen in its new position (if it is totally outside the boundary). When selected, cut-off elements will show handles beyond the marqueed area, to give a visual indication that only part of the element is visible (see image above). The images below show a polygonal heavy marquee followed by the multi-story cutaway view that it generates.Įven though a marquee will show only part of the model, all elements may still be selected and edited. These options are selected in the Info box next to the symbol for the Marquee, in the area commonly used for geometry method and construction method. The marquee can be rectangular, a rotated rectangle, or a polygon, and interesting effects can be achieved by delineating a complex polygon and then going to 3D.The Marquee tool has a heavy option which will show multiple stories, and a thin option which only shows elements on the current story. Similarly, if a marquee is drawn on the floor plan, the elements within that marquee may be viewed in 3D using that same option. You may also right-click and choose Show Selection/Marquee in 3D, or use the keyboard shortcut (PC: F5 Mac: F4). To show only those elements in 3D, choose the command from the View menu > Elements in 3D View > Show Selection/Marquee in 3D. Another way to limit what is seen in 3D is to select some elements on the floor plan (with the arrow tool, shift-clicking, or using Select All of a certain element type from the Edit menu). Layers that are visible will be seen in plan, section, elevation and 3D views, while elements that are on hidden layers will not be shown. The simplest and most basic is by turning on and off layers, either manually or with layer combinations. There are many ways to filter elements in the 3D view. To turn off Sun Shadows while using the Internal Engine, you must choose Off instead. TIP: Selecting Contours Off for Vectorial Sun Shadows does NOT turn off shadows-it simply generates them without an outline. In general, it is advisable to turn these features off when not needed, or use OpenGL, which simulates materials with JPG textures instead of hatching and does not generate shadows. Vectorial Hatching is only available with Analytic mode, and adds some time, but not as much as Sun Shadows. If you want to use the Internal Engine to see shadows but the processing time is too long, you may switch the Shaded Mode from Analytic to Raster, since that takes less time. The Internal Engine can take a while to generate, particularly for very large models with lots of polygons (typically either very large buildings or models with lots of intricate detail or trees).